Good day starts with great coffee

Good day starts with great coffee

Innnes is the leading drink solutions provider in the workplace and on the go, we bring thousands of moments of joy to people every day. Our world-class brands and service will make you smile all day long.

Gerum daginn girnilegan

Gerum daginn girnilegan

Gerum daginn girnilegan is Innnes' recipe site, with over thousand tasty recipes, it makes it the biggest recipe network in Iceland.

VITHIT Vitamin Drinks

VITHIT Vitamin Drinks

VITHIT contains 100% of your recommended daily allowance of 8 vitamins.

Good day starts with great coffee

Innnes is the leading drink solutions provider in the workplace and on the go, we bring thousands of moments of joy to people every day. Our world-class brands and service will make you smile all day long.

Gerum daginn girnilegan

Gerum daginn girnilegan is Innnes' recipe site, with over thousand tasty recipes, it makes it the biggest recipe network in Iceland.

VITHIT Vitamin Drinks

VITHIT contains 100% of your recommended daily allowance of 8 vitamins.

Leading wholesaler in Iceland since 1987!

Innnes is a leading importer and wholesaler in Iceland, focusing on high-quality food products. The company´s headquarters are located in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. Innnes employees are around 200 and form a team dedicated to making the company a pioneer in the market. Innnes represents brands from all over the world, a substantial part of those are market leaders. The company is continuously exploring new brands to further strengthen its brand portfolio. Innnes‘ objective is swift service and good personal contact with its customers. The CEO of Innnes is Mr. Magnus Oli Olafsson.

Download Innnes company brochure

Download Innnes company brochure

Innnes is proud to represent brands from all over the world, many of whom are market leaders. Innnes is always looking into new brands to add to its portfolio. Check out the company brochure here.

Korngardar – Innnes new warehouse with three different temperature zones

The site in Reykjavik has a total area of 15,000 m² for three temperature
zones and other core functional stations. Approximately 2,800 m² of this
space is used for the picking area of fresh products, and a further
5,600 m² for the picking area for the dry goods line and deep-freeze
section. The innovative design has the perfect balance of automated and
manual processes. The majority of the automation is implemented for the
deep-freeze and ambient zones. The fresh food warehouse is based on the
person-to-goods principle and primarily uses manual handling.

Korngardar – Innnes new warehouse with three different temperature zones

Check out our new high-tech warehouse in action!

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